Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Dance!

Thank you Stacie and Rachel for choreographing and teaching this! Thank-you to all our dancers for shakin' it!

Watch it on youtube too if you'd like (the sound isn't as good).

dance inspiration

Sunday, August 16, 2009


We're back from the wedding funanza, so now I can post all the nitty gritty details! Today for you, our invites!

We didn't want to cordially invite anyone, but we wanted our close families to be included, so I asked everyone what animal they would be and made a family tree out of it with me, the cockatoo, and Nick, the polar bear, almost connected.

The invite had four pieces of paper that we connected with a string. The orange and yellow papers are our RSVP cards which we made into a madlibs. I'll post some people's responses soon. It was really fun for us to read and I think we had a higher than average response rate.

We used a variety of colors for the strings that held all the papers together.

All the envelopes. I was excited about the new king and queen stamps. We ordered the recycled paper and envelopes from envelopemall.

We put in the invites in the envelops with string sticking out and put leaf stickers on the string.

Here's all the peices nicely layed out next to the street on a patch of grass!

Friday, July 31, 2009


Me and dad painting signs. You should be able to tell the ones we painted and the ones that Anela painted.
Programs. Blisters on my cutting fingers.
programs. Note how hard Tim is working
I cut the leaves out. My mom helped.
People told me I looked like white trash in these clothes.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Grand Entrance

I don't think we'll be able to pull this off with our acoustic guitarist, but it's pretty fun.

or maybe I'll wear my hair down

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Digs

after the dumping process

city traffic

Megan's new spot plus our free lettuce plant

Big Bear's bed battle

Nick will keep me safe (with his water gun)

It's nice to combine our books


just trying to get this to Nick (who's in LA!)

Friday, July 17, 2009

One step closer to: Master & Master Deisler

And now, I can really focus on the wedding!!!


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

wedding shoes

"nature hates calculators"

I just made reservations for our little honeymoon retreat. We're going to Friday Harbor on San Juan Island and staying at super chic and earth friendly Earthbox. We'll get to hike, kayak, and bike ride all around. I'm excited!

ps. we signed the lease today! The picture above is of our rooftop hangout.

(quote by R.W.Emerson via earthbox website)

Friday, July 3, 2009

This and that

Nick can't make hearts. Here's some cards he wrote as thank-you's for the bachelorette party.

And I got my ring from a mother's ring website.


I like her hair.

This gave me a good idea for our programs.

Lately, we've:
  • Looked into rings...yeah, we're a little late. Nick just ordered one from Etsy which beats the super plain one that would have been double the price at this cool local jewelry store (keep in mind our budget is small).
  • Planned out our web of helpers.
  • Started brainstorming the ceremony details.
It's now less than a month away! Oh, we're going to sign our new lease on Tuesday!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

just because

Bridal Party!

My pal/bridesmaid/roommate Alexis threw the greatest bridal shower for me yesterday!

We sat in the sun by a calf in University Village.

It started with my favorite cupcakes from Trophy.

Then we played bingo on the hand drawn bingo cards she made. My mom won!

She even made special wheat free "cupcakes" for my mom.

Then we painted pottery.

Drinking coffee at my house next year will be the best!

I'm so excited to see them once they've been in the kiln.

Thanks girls!!!

I'm am officially bridal showered and ready to get married.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

We've been posted elsewhere

Thank you Nole for putting up our Save the Dates on your blog Oh So Beautiful Paper.

Fun Wedding

Here's the link to a full fledged carnival wedding. I say, if you're going to spend the big bucks, you might as well have a ferris wheel! I really like the picture of the bridesmaids with balloons.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Finally! We did it. I'm so excited that I had to post something. 73 envelops are sitting in my mailbox to be picked up this afternoon and 10 more will be on their way soon once we check addresses.

Nick and I are both going to weddings today. Nick's in Temecula wearing a Tuxedo and I'll be in Issaquah wearing whatever I want.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


The paper and envelops have arrived. (Been printed, cut, stamped, addressed...other processes.... and are almost out the door).

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wedding party invites

Here's parts of what my bridesmaid/maid of honor ladies got when I asked them.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

We were pleasantly surprised...

About a month ago, our officiant/Deputy for a Day and good friend James sent us a package including:

1. A very nice letter with his thoughts about our relationship, both Nick and I and us with him. We're so happy that he said he would marry us. When we thought of asking a friend, it made perfect sense to both of us to ask James. I think he's one of the best humans I've ever known. He's perfect for the job since he's fun, but also intelligent and thoughtful.

2. A date-night debit card from with a picture of us on it.

3. Self-counseling books: We've decided that Nick will handle taking out the trash as long as I make the bed. I'm still working on getting him to always make me lunch with a note. Maybe I just need my mom to be around more often.

4. Links to videos about Joey marrying our good friends Monica and Chandler.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Another photographer I like: Tec Petaja

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Our ring bearer is walking! Whew. Happy (late) Birthday, baby!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


We decided to make sashes for the ladies. My mom and I couldn't find orange eyelet fabric, so we bought white and dyed it using pink and orange dye.

I picked out the thread at the store, then we matched the colors. We found that the eyelet took to color differently than our plain tester fabric.

Here's the fabric and my lovely mom.

Eyelet + coral
See how they turned out at our ceremony!